Dewey Discovery during the Easter Break

Hello my dearest brave Deweyers, 
I hope you are enjoying this Easter weekend. Whether it's going on a road trip, 
watching movies, spending time with friends, reading books or even sleeping. :)

Today is Easter Sunday which is also the day when Jesus rose again, and looking back...
His existence in my life has been very precious to me.  There were times when I was so caught up
in my world of lush culture and I often forgot I was Christian.  Then there were times when it was
so hard to overcome pain that without Him it would've been very difficult to picture hope in the future.
But I know that He was blessing me all the time, whether I was meeting new people or
going for an interview.  I thank God that He protects me, gives me hope and freedom each day...
I was working on my studio today and came across some journals I wrote during high school and university.
They were letters I had written to God about thoughts and happenings, 
it amazed me how raw and open I was to Him.  
It made me wonder if I could ever be open like that again... I hope I can :)  

Here is a sneak peak of my new studio room, it's almost done!
It was something I wanted to do since the beginning of this year, 
which was organising a studio room where I could make and create things.  

My fascination for glass bottles and dried sea sponges creeps me out 
but somehow kinda makes sense in my head too :)  

Hope you enjoyed,
I hope God blesses your life in someway this Easter break :)

love, the Deweyer

Unveiling Deweys; Yves Klein

God the Father Almighty, it is with faith that I ask you,
in the name of Christ Your son Jesus of Nazereth, to grant me the presence of the
Holy Ghost in the Gallery during my exhibition. Create for me an exceptional atmosphere,
let an invisible yet real and powerfully and terribly beautiful light raise this event
to the highest spiritual and existential level of visions.  Let everyone without exception
see the supernatural that is in art so that faith, the new faith of art may enter them all,
 and all men may enter into a great new world wide visualisation of the beautiful. 


- Yves Klein 1958

Dewey Discovery from our daily rituals

Dear Deweyers
How do you do?
Today I looked out the window of the train with a happy sigh as it crossed the Harbour Bridge. 
I admired the glistening water, the dissipated white cubes of homes amongst the green landscape,
the crystal-like skyscrapers, the brave curvaceous lines of the Opera House
masked by strong steel frames of the bridge and I couldn't help but think, how a beautiful it all was. 
What a beautiful day.

I started reading a new book called 'The Alchemist' my friend from work gave it to me
and I was absolutely thrilled! I love receiving books for presents,
there are so many memories entailed with books,
and I know I will always remember her when I read this book even when she returns to Germany.  
I just finished reading Anne of Green Gables and Little Lord Fauntleroy,
the amount of revelations and epiphanies reading these books in the train,
cafes and on the steps outside our office is invaluable. 
I will elaborate on them some other time over a chai latte.

I know today will be very much similar to yesterday but there is
something different in the air today and I shall savour its beauties.

Have a glorious Friday my dear friends :)